1. Mission for New Hope Community Church – who are we or why do we exist?

We exist to be a Multi-Cultural, Multi-Ethnic, Multi- Racial, Multi- Generational congregation that LEARNS the TRUTH of God’s word in ALL its fullness with the goal TO BE Empowered so that we LEARN to Love God Intimately, Obey God Diligently and Minister/Witness Lovingly, Gracefully and Generously. 


2.      Vision – How is this accomplished?

Every church member or congregant will be Taught the Truth of God’s Word and Developed as Leaders so that they fully reach their God given potential to make a difference in the lives of people that God has placed around them.”  


B – Build

Teach believers in Basic understanding of the Bible and practices of the Christian faith.

E – Empower

Connect them to ministries to serve according to their various gifts and talents.

T- Train 

Train them continuously in Apologetics / Theology / Leadership skills / Emotionally healthy and Relational spirituality skills/ Soul Care / Biblical Principles in Holy Living.

S – Sending

Sending them out in the mission field or put them in Leadership positions in the church as per their giftings and encourage Missional Living.


3.      Values / Culture – “FORTE”

Dynamic Faith - Prayer and Holiness

“My House will be called a House of Prayer”

Our Primary Role as a congregation will be to worship and pray.

Pray for the church…its congregants….its community for it is God who convicts, God who transforms, God who draws people to himself. God grows the church and its people. Our Primary role is to PRAY. Spend much time in prayer and fasting for personal growth and church growth.

Growth Oriented - Leadership Development

God has called us to study the word of God for our personal edification and to minister to others out of personal edification. So, it is pertinent for us to diligently study the word of God meditate on it. Further we need to empower ourselves on a regular basis by being diligent readers and reading widely on different topics to be able to grow intellectually and effectively understand what is happening in the lives of people around us.

 Sabbath Rest - Soul Care

As Christians we need to be constantly aware of my emotions / feelings / rebellion / hardheartedness or my spiritual life will be a segregated one. Also I need to be aware of what is happening in my soul, because I can be only as spiritually mature as much as I am emotionally mature. So, practicing Listening prayer, Silence and Solitude. Fasting and Prayer, and Journaling are some of the spiritual practices that we need to put in practice.

Authentic Relationships through Teamwork and small groups – Knowing and Building Each Other Up.  

The Bible says that we are the Body of Christ. We are members of that Body. All members of the Body work in Unison. If one hurts the others hurt too. If one rejoices all rejoice. We will not have Lone Rangers / Heroes at New Hope. We will work in Teams. All Leaders will create Teams for their Ministry.

Excellence - Effective Productivity

Whatever we do, we do it all for the glory of God. That means we strive to do all things with excellence. Whether it is our Sunday service, or our prayer meetings or our Bible studies or any ministry in the church, any building activity..all things done for the building of God’s Tabernacle is to be done with prayer and proper planning, to make it jive with our Missions and Vision and Values and to make it effective and productive.